Sunday, November 4, 2012

Catchin' up!

It's been forever. Summer has came and gone. The new Jeep is now full of dust and in need of a major detailing.  My puppy is getting big and although he is still adorable, houesbreaking a pup with a bladder the size of a peanut is proving to be more challenging than I ever thought possible.  The leaves are falling, halloween came and went (with a frost and freezing weather to boot!) Time just keeps marching on.  With or without time to blog, time to think, time to process, time to catch your breath, time keeps marching on.

This past few weeks have been a conflict of emotions.  Friendships have come back together while others have provided some distance.  Halloween party brought so much laughter and good memories while the east coast was falling apart at the very same time.  For me, all I can do is sit back and count my blessings.  This time of year always provides that sense of feeling over appreciative for the little things.  My heart breaks for those on the East Coast who are looking around trying to find anything positive to feel blessed about. My thoughts and prayers are with them, and not just in a way that seems to fit that phrase.

I am starting a new job tomorrow, leaving my nurse aide care behind for an adventure with my four legged furry friends instead.  Getting back to my passion, I hope. My love is with pets and my only hope is that I love the job as much as I am hoping to. Prayers for it to go well are so appreciated!

There are so many pictures that I wouldn't know where to begin so I'll try to narrow it down to just a few :)

 My little brother came in town for the weekend. It was AMAZING to have him here. He's back in Montana now and we are hoping he'll get to come home in January.  My sister is looking AMAZING after having gastic bypass less than a year ago. She totally rocked that beetlejuice costume. Loved having her here for the party!
 We made a Jenga set and turned it into a drinking game (each block had things to do). My amazing friend Trenton had never even played the original Jenga so it put him into a full blown anxiety attack, it a hilarious fun way! It was an absolute blast.  How cute is he as a cowboy and PJ as an elephant!!

<--- this my friends is my BEAUTIFUL friend Brittany who is due with baby Spencer in about 2-3 weeks. I am STOKED!!! Absolutely can not wait to have another baby running around. She was glowing in her godess costume! :)

We made it to 1 year!!! I was super sick but I wanted to make sure we got a 1 year photo with our doggy family! :) We made it to 1 year and I turned 26 a week later, I am feeling OLD but oddly okay with it too!!
My good friend Amanda has been in town from Boston the past two weeks.  She is dating our good friend Lincoln and came to visit for what was supposed to be a week before making her final plans to move down here next month.  Due to the hurricane her flight home was moved not once, but twice. Snagging us an extra week with her.  After being 5 min late for her flight home today...she is now leaving tomorrow!! I keep telling her just to stay butttt she's not ready yet.  Luckily we get one more night with her so I'm going to get to making dinner :)

Thanks for reading, God Bless!

<3 JD

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Baby Fever and Puppy Love

After spending the summer with so many babies, my baby fever was OUT OF CONTROL! Everywhere I went I was looking at baby things, I was dreaming about babies, I was wanting to spend time with my friends/family's babies...out of control I told I did the only thing all irrational people do, I bought a puppy!

 Blog readers, I want to introduce you to Romeo Alfonz Davis.  Assuming you do not follow me on facebook that is, because if you do you are probably over seeing all of my pictures of my beloved Romeo.  He is a Porky (Pomeranian-Yorky) and is expected to get about 7-10 lbs.  He is currently 10 weeks and at 4.5 so I'm thinking it will be towards the higher end of that, if not closer to 12.  He is a total blast, when he isn't napping between noon and five everyday, which those hours he turns into a total diva.  He prefers not to be disturbed when sleeping and loves to play either alone or with anyone available.  We LOVE having him in the house.  I try to take him as many places as possible so he can get used to things and be that carry around dog I want him to be without worrying about him getting nippy with strangers or running off.  So far, we've been to the airport to pick up Uncle Tanner and Grandpa Perry, boating with the whole family, many many Jeep rides (which he hates because he's not fond of wind), to Daddy's softball game and all over town. Now I shall overload you with baby pictures, and some of his dog family... ha!

 total daddy's boy.

 Love. Him.

Hey Hey, I do exist!

Well, Hello little blog! Long time no post! It's been a BUSY 3 months around the Davis house.  So busy, in fact, that for a few weeks we needed 2 houses.  Since my last post we have bought a new vehicle, moved houses, fixed up new house, got a puppy, had to rehome our other beautiful baby girl (Hayley) and acquired a new roommate (PJ's brother).  We have had house guests or projects going every single day of this summer.  I made some time for reading, for catching up with people, for going to the MOVIES.  It's been busy but it's been nice! Somehow in the midst of being crazy busy I sure have found time to EAT! My diet went out the window as soon as summer started and I have PUT ON 15 lbs! With fall, comes changes, I hope. Things are STARTING to settle down and so it is time to get back to blogging.  I feel like I took a full on summer vacation from my laptop entirely.

My biggest disappointment in all of this chaos? We have redone several rooms in our new house and I've taken next to NO pictures! As a before and after junkie, this is just flat embarrassing.  As we continue to fix it up, that's a big goal of be more active in actually showing the progress made.

Lets recap my summer...the highlights at least...

 This IS my Christian Grey! I was obsessed with the series and have always loved Gabriel Macht in Suits (on USA if you don't watch it, you should!) but now every time I watch it I find myself literally smiling thinking of him as Christian.  Top fantasy pick him and loved the book!!

 Bought my dream Jeep...well my dream jeep is burnt orange but I do love the red too!! 4 door (room for expansion if needed ;)) and so much fun!! Thankfully we've had next to no rain this year so it's been taken apart the majority of the time we've had it.  PJ even made some nifty door holders so they don't get scratched up.  I love love love love love it!

 Family...need I say more! This little beauty is growing up so fast I just can't seem to get a grasp. Every time I see her I'm completely stunned with how much she has grown. Ah, too fast...toooo fast.

Perry bought a little boat and we actually got to see water this year! Went to Ceasar's Creek a couple of times and had a total blast on the water. I am not as young as I used to be so this girl stayed away from tubing but watching everyone else flop and flail made me hurt.

Weddings! We said congrats to PJ's good friends and army buddies Chris and his new wife Kim and Mitch and his new wife Jen. Both were absolutely beautiful weddings! It really made me miss wedding planning. Thankfully my very best friend, Rachel, got engaged about a week after my wedding itch started to drive me crazy. Woohoo! Another reason to get this butt in shape!

Tim and Kenny came to town! It was a HOT concert but the storm in the middle really cooled things down. Tim McGraw's show was like going down memory lane...and although I wasn't a huge Kenny fan, I have more respect for him and his music after hearing him live! Loved it!

 Umm...did I mention LITTLE BROTHER CAME HOME?? He's been in town since July 27th and leaves next Monday! It's been so nice having him here!! :)

we got this little guy too...but he's so awesome, he'll be getting a blog all to himself!
Now that you are on photo overload and update on my blogless summer, I fully expect you to read the next on that little fur ball that stole my heart! :)

Thanks for reading!

<3 JD