Wednesday, March 28, 2012


I am so blessed to have so many children in my life! I became an aunt at 15 and although it took some adjusting to it has been such an amazing experience. I am now at the age where not only do my sisters have kids, but my friends do too! I frequently go through my phone and find adorable pictures I have taken of these said incredibles, and wanted to take a little blog time to share! They are too cute to keep to myself. Several of my good friends are having babies (I found out another just today!!) and even though I'm not sure that PJ and I are ready for our own, I'm so ready for them to start having them! :)

Here's a few of my favorites of my recent visit with my niece, McKinlee!

and some others that I found on my phone of some of my favorite kids! I am partial to taking them of McKinlee right now but OMG just look at her!! She's the youngest so of course, a camera naturally follows her!

Even when the babies aren't babies anymore, nothing beats them climbing in your lap or still wanting a hug :) We watched Lion King with Susu in 3D at Nana's and Molli is 9 but still an undeniable cuddlebug!

This one is our friends Lincoln and Danielle's little girl! How adorable is she? We LOVE having her and her older brother at the house!

Roscoe isn't a fan of kids, but he'll take a treat from kids and teaching McKinlee patience with animals is key to her survival! They started to bond, I think.

The Cole kids at Christmas! It's hard to get them to all smile together so cheesing or not, I'll take it!

PJ and I just hung up from facetiming with Ryan and his little cutie! I was cracking up playing peek a boo through the phone, and PJ was determined to get this screen shot of them all sticking their tongues out! Happiest. Baby. Ever.

These pictures get me through rough days, I keep my favorite of McKinlee as my lock screen on my phone and always others filed away for when work is just TOO much. They make me smile no matter what. Ever keep a picture on hand for when you need a pick me up? Children always work best for me...that and those hilarious "signs" all over the internet! I'll save those for another blog! For now, I'm going to kick my feet up and enjoy the evening before its time for bed and off to work for another 2 days!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

TEXAS, Pride, and Friends!

Last week we went to Texas to see my little brother in law, Tanner, (whom I am terrible about calling "in law" so he will probably  be refereed to as little brother) graduate from Air Force Basic Training, and to visit with some good friends who moved to the same area in January. It was such a great time, and I am so proud of Tanner for his service!

We started out on our journey thinking it would be about 18 hours! It ended up being 22! 22 hours of driving with PJ, myself, and my sister (in law).
Pj was dead set on driving, so he did. He made it about 17 hours before we had to stop and get a hotel. The only room available was one with 1 huge cal king bed, so we all piled in and well, I was tired enough I could have slept anywhere. PJ didn't have as much luck. Poor guy! But we got up and finished our ride, which was totally worth it when we got there.

We stayed with our good friends Ryan and Deloran and their BEAUTIFUL (understatement) baby Kendrick. Deloran is in the air force and was moved from Wright Patt to a base in San Antonio about the same time Tanner left for basic. The timing was perfect! She, sadly, had to work most of the week but we did get to see her for game nights. Some hilarious scattegories, tabboo, scrabble and lots of wine! We went to a Japanese Tea Garden (which oddly said Chinese on most of the signs) and saw this beauty of a was stunning!

We also snuck in time to go visit the San Antonio Zoo, which is supposed to be one of the best in the country.  Although it was large, I think we've all been spoiled by the Cincinnati Zoo because they didn't have a lot of their animals out so it took away from the excitement. It was a beautiful day though, and it's never a bad day at the zoo.

After 3 days of visiting with the Lomax family, we got to go to Tanner's ceremonies. His first day was just a base pass, so we got to see his ceremony and then get to hang out with him on base. After not seeing him for 8 weeks, we could have been hanging out in an elephant cage and I wouldn't have cared. It was SO nice to see him, and know he's okay. And the pride, oh the pride! There is something that can make a heart melt about men and women and the service, but to have it be your own family is something so extraordinary.  Here are a few shots from our time with him!

 This was about the moment when I started to get tear filled eyes. To see Tanner transform into a structured, disciplined, member of the military was something awesome!
 At a pretty waterfall in the middle of the Riverwalk!
 Tanner stepping out in line as an Honor Grad at Basic!
 By the time we left these two were ridiculously in sync.  As if their bromance wasn't awkward enough before...they always find ways to take it to a whole new level!

 Those, my friends, are wine smoothies that they have on the Riverwalk in San Antonio. Wine + Smoothie, SERIOUSLY an incredible combination!!

This picture doesn't show it but although it was 80s after 11am, the mornings were COLD! Sharp winds and it seemed like the sun took forever to rise. This was one of those freezing moments waiting for a ceremony to start. We were on base by 6am both days of ceremonies, and both days we froze until 11am.  Luckily, we love that kid!

Linsay and I were all about baby Ken! He is such a happy guy and just LOVED having the extra attention, and we were happy to give it! He refused to nap while we were there and from what I hear that habit has continued since we left! (whoops!)

We left for the journey home about 7am on Monday and arrived at the house at 2am today! Straight driving but we made it in 19 hours, MUCH better than the 22 it took us to get there. It was 32 degrees when we got back to Ohio and I was not a happy camper.  We have been flirting with the idea of moving out of state and after this trip, I'm really wanting to.  I've even mentioned to PJ about going active duty just to see what life would be like.  I love being involved in the military life, even if I know I'm not personally cut out for it.  I appreciate what my good friends and family like Deloran, Tanner, my husband, Candice & Tosh, and so many others do.  Needless to say, it was a great trip and I can't wait to go back to visit soon.

Tanner is off to California for tech school for 3-4 months but we got him a new iphone while we were in Texas and I am excited to be able to facetime him and keep in touch. 8 weeks of writing letters seemed like forever! Congrats Tanner, we are so proud of you! Lomax family, I miss you guys already and can't wait to see you (hopefully in September!!)

Bringing you into my world...

Hi, I'm Jessica, (formally Girdler but I'm going by Davis these days). I look something like this...

I got married in October to my love, PJ Davis. We started dating after 6 months of going back and forth on the idea in June of 2007.  He deployed from Dec. 2008- Dec. 2009 so our relationship ran quickly. He is an amazing guy (although I am sure while in the middle of a rant or two you may hear otherwise) and I am very lucky to be building my life with him.  Here is a few shots from our wedding!

 I am a DIY junkie, although I'm not nearly as creative as I'd like to be and I end up throwing out half of my projects. I just bought a cricut and I am OBSESSED with trying new things (again most of which I pitch.) but I do come across fun things sometimes...these are a few! Although on a recent vacation that cactus died, it is probably my favorite centerpiece yet, and I will be getting one to replace it. The aloe is still going strong! I'm a pinterest addict, and it shows a lot in my house!

My dogs, although probably the most annoying thing in my life at the moment, are a HUGE part of me. Meet Hayley and Roscoe!

I am finding that picture placement on this blog is not going to be the most simple thing in the world, it will be a work in progress, much like the rest of it! Lets see how this works out...I'd love to say I'll keep up with it daily, but lets me realistic if I get a blog a month in, I'll be happy!