Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fabulous finds!

I have a serious issue with the internet. I am a COMPLETE facebook junkie and find myself all over pinterest on a daily basis looking for nothing and yet finding everything. I love the "ecard" things that are becoming popular and Twitter has some of the BEST lines I've ever heard in my life...a true internet junkie, I am.

Facebook will always have a huge part in my life.  Some people ask me "well if you are so busy why do you make time for facebook"...well I make time for it because I have my BEST friends and family on there. I have the people that I don't have time (or make time...sadly) to call on a daily basis but I can still stay in tuned with their life. I can "like" what they say, so they know I'm interested or I can leave my feedback.  Some of the people who know me better than anyone I never get to see, but I get to talk to them on facebook...and keep up with their lives.  Some friends aren't even considered in my "best" friends circle yet they are giving me more support and true friendship than people I see everyday.  I get to see babies grow up before my eyes that I otherwise may not have even known existed.  I get to keep in touch with classmates I know I would never have seen again.  It keeps me connected and it is a must in my life. I appreciate everyone on my friends list and I truly enjoy reading about their lives and sharing mine with them. It's an odd addiction that has taken over the world but it is a part of technology I truly love having.  Drama and all, it's my connection to the people who mean so much to me! It's an under appreciated, and often over mocked means of communication, so there it is, my support for my everlasting facebook (or whatever the next social networking tool may be) obsession!

On to the title.  Screen shots are my FAVORITE thing about an Iphone and I love them even more now that I have pinterest and everything else.  I thought I'd share with you some of my favorite screen shots from this week!

So there is a link about this one going around facebook and I was FLOORED.  The food in that picture is 2 years old!!  Seriously? It still looks EXACTLY the same! It makes you wonder if what we eat from those places even break down in our bodies... I was so disgusted! Thankfully, it only gives me more motivation to STAY AWAY from it!

I am SO passionate about animals and being kind to them.  They are our BEST friends and truly show the furthest extent of unconditional love. I loved coming across this photo because it is so true.  I love that it is so bold "I am not a lawn ornament" I also would like to find one about not getting dogs and getting rid of them when they aren't puppies anymore only to get a new one. "recycling dogs" as I call it is one of my biggest pet peeves!

How cute are these things? Came across them on pinterest and I can't wait to try them this summer with my niece...she is so artsy I think she'll get a real kick out of them!

I found this one on my phone and I took it awhile back, but can you say DREAM sink? So neat!

This one too, was on my phone from a few weeks ago. It went around pinterest around Easter and I giggle like a school girl every time I see it!

All I can say is, WOW! I LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS!!!! Child like faith, we could all learn something from it!

This reminded me of my beautiful friend Candice and I wish I could make it for her when she comes home from Afghanistan in June...she LOVES Pandas!

Lastly, I FINALLY got to see my family this week!!! I hadn't been down to Okeana (my hometown/seriously heaven on earth) in a MONTH! My mom, dad, sister (her kids) and Grandma all live on the same street in the little town so it's a one stop shop for me to see everyone.  We had a good time just catching up and of course, got a few good laughs with McKinlee who is growing up wayyy too fast! I just want to PAUSE it! I love her little pig ears that she carries around! :)

Happy Sunday to you all, I hope you have a great and blessed week! It is almost time for Army Wives so this girl is about to lose all focus on blogging. Thanks for reading!


Tuesday, April 24, 2012

It's ALWAYS on my mind!!


Seriously, I spend OH, TOO MUCH time thinking about the food I'm going to eat (and not because I'm just trying to be more aware of it!) I literally think about dinner while I'm eating breakfast, sad? Yes! Nonetheless, I love it and although I'm really picky, I do like to experiment a little bit. I also like to buy new things that let me do that :)

While pinteresting, I was lead to the amazing blog that is Siggy Spice and fell in love with this...

Last night I made those delicious "drunken pork chops" with yeingling beer...when I read the recipe I was thinking "humm, beer brown sugar and ketchup? really?" but it totally worked and I was sooooo surprised! I can NOT wait to try more of her stuff!  Tonight (because I'm ALREADY planning dinner) I'm going back to a family classic and my personal favorite meal baked chicken and stuffing, and I'm going to attempt my first from scratch three cheese mac n cheese bake.  I'm not huge on mac n cheese at all, and I REFUSE to eat that Kraft stuff because it's just soo awful, but PJ's brother Skyler doesn't eat much other than the before mentioned, hot dogs, and plain chicken drenched in ketchup.  He's been pretty open about trying the foods I've made since he's been here but I figured I'd meet him in the middle and hope he likes my random noodle/cheese combination that I come up with tonight.  ((Even HE liked the drunken pork chops!)

A classic meal for dinner tonight deserves something new and shiny too though, like these new Bobby Flay stoneware dishes I picked up at Kohl's today! 20% off, $10 Kohl's cash and a little merchandise credit from a purchase that didn't work out... GREAT deals on Bobby Flay! I am such an addict but I love Bobby Flay, Rachel Ray, annnnnd Paula Dean (of course) so thankfully they all make items in RED! I can't wait to test these babies out tonight.

You might notice a little piece of paper on that chair back there...let me tell ya, it says "this is broken, sit at your own risk"... It has a twin chair sitting right next to it.  Our table is OUT OF CONTROL hillbilly.  About 6 months ago PJ's friend tilted back in one of the chairs and we heard a loud "pop" it's all been going downhill since then! The chairs are still sitable (yes, I made sit-able a word) but man, are they risky!  Another friend of ours then slung himself across the table in an intense game of spoons thus splitting a table leg.  It's a hot mess, to say the least. I put the signs on the chairs for a heads up since it was hard to tell which was wobbling and which were okay, but now it's just an on going joke.  To add to it, I made this purty little centerpiece...

just for the idea that now PJ's friend should be paying a security deposit before sitting. haha table hunting is to resume very shortly.

Thanks for reading my rambling!!

<3 JD

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Happy Sunday to you, and you, and you and you and you!

This has been such an odd week for me. To say I've been in a "funk" is putting it extremely mildly but I think I am starting to get a grip on my emotions and get back in control. Who knows what happened, but it's time to SNAP out of it!

Last week I worked A TON, too much in fact (contributing to my burn out and "funk", I'm sure!) but in the mean time, the weather went from BEAUTIFUL to FREEZING! What happened? I am ready for some warm sunshine back to come back to Ohio, it is almost May, get it together!!

With all the working last week, I was only able to get to the gym twice, verrrry disappointing but I like to balance it out in my mind seeing that on Tuesday I went for 3 solid hours. Well, lets me honest, 2 hours and 45 min because I did go tanning in there too.  Anywho, I did a "boot camp" as I am calling them which I plan to do every Tuesday (since changing my schedule at work). The first class I take is great wake up class the first hour is different work outs with a ball, weights, mat, etc. then the second half hour is Zumba. I then go do my own thing in the gym and tan for the second hour, followed by palates for the third.  I drug my friend Danielle around last week for the last 2 hours and I felt GREAT the next day, just the right balance of comfortable and sore. UNLIKE today, where I pushed myself way too far on lunges yesterday and am seriously paying for it.  I'll find my balance though! So far, I'm down 4 pounds and I'm really trying to stick to eating better, not healthy because I feel like by saying that people assume I'm on a fad diet and I'm not. I want to eat BETTER. I have to include the foods I love that aren't the best thing in the world, or I'll never stick to it. My goal is to hit the gym 3 days a week (I work 3 that I simply CAN'T go and I'm assuming 1 of my off days I'll need to do other things in the mornings) and pack my lunch EVERY day I work.  So far, I've only not packed last Friday and I got a salad from the cafeteria, so not bad.  I prefer to pack so I save $$ on our insanely priced food downstairs at work though. That's my update on bringing back 2008, me.

On other notes, this eating better thing has me shopping more since everything spoils faster than all my previous frozen meals.  It also has us grilling out more, which leads to shopping more.  I think I officially have an issue with Costco and buying in bulk, but I seriously love it. Everything there is $10 or more it seems so some things it's hard to justify, but other things are so cheap.  I found this 6LB can of green beans for $2.85 at Costco! We go through easily 4 smaller cans of green beans a week, at $1.00 a piece, this was a STEAL. I'm going to divide them up and freeze them and I'm so pumped about it. Ha. I love saving money on stupid things so I can spend it on other stupid things that I actually want!

So I saved money on this...

so that I could go to Kohl's and buy these, with more coupons AND earned Kohl's cash to go back today and get a little summer dress I've been eyeing!

adorable Bobby Flay ramekins that will be perfect for the homemade pot pie recipe I've been wanting to try! and the EVOO and vinegar dispensers (not the right word because they don't dispense Idk) that I've been wanting.  I don't use vinegar in anything other than cleaning, so I put chicken broth in one, I feel like I'm always reaching for that.  Right now, I hate our kitchen in our rental house, but I love buying stuff to use in it! I'm such a nerd, I know.

So yesterday was my first time, and second time, eating out at a restaurant since changing my eating habits.  I probably ate too much, but I don't think I went too far over the deep end.  Linsay and I went to brunch at Bob Evans and then we went out to eat with our friends the Chamberlins, Linsay and PJ's brother who is in town visiting from Iowa for dinner.  It was nice to get out with people and not be confined to the walls of the hospital, even if it is way to cold in Ohio.  We also watched "We Bought a Zoo" last night, it was absolutely adorable!! Very cute, made me laugh and cry which are the makings for a great movie!

Today will be about getting my house back after dust bunnies and dog hair have taken it over this week! I heard last week on the revolution you are supposed to vacuum once a week per person and pet that is in your house.  So since it's me, PJ, and 2 dogs, we should be vacuuming 4 times a week, any less will cause dirt to get so deep in the carpet it won't come up, and any more is actually doing damage to the carpet fibers. This week, I was slacking! I thought it was a neat statistic though!

That's it, nothing too big an exciting going on around here...that is, until I get to Kohl's and find something new! Thanks for reading!


Sunday, April 15, 2012

here we go...I just can't hold it in.

((please excuse all of the YOU statements and know I'm about 100% sure they aren't directed towards you personally, at all))

Will SOMEONE, anyone, please explain to me the science behind a drug addiction.  I come from the "why" generation and I need that "why" answered. I just can't wrap my head around why someone would put themselves through torture.  Why someone would trade family, love and support for homelessness and a quick high.  That high will fade, that box will cave in, that next score will seem like years away and in those moments, you are ALONE.  Your drugs will not keep you warm, your drugs will not hold your hand when you are diagnosed with a new illness or when you are in hospice care.  Your drugs will not cook you soup when your throat hurts. Your drugs will not get you a new car.  Your drugs will not allow you to be at your children's little league game and experience pride in its truest forms.  Your drugs will not be there to listen to you when you have had a hard day (a REAL hard day). Your drugs will NOT love you back, so why do you love them so much?

As the daughter of an addict who has been missing from the majority of my life I have truly battled this question of WHY as long as I can remember.  I recall writing poems at the age of 8 about how his choices left me feeling, and they weren't pleasant.  I remember taking stands against him and refusing to see him as young as 10 because his drugs came first. I have felt the impact of drug abuse and I know that leaves me with a strong prejudice, I get that.  I know I assume anyone who does recreational drugs is an addict.  I know I assume they put their drugs before their families.  I know my mind wonders and I assume all addicts are (typically) selfish. Thankfully, I had people in my life to counteract that.  I had a step father who stepped in and showed me what a father is being about, and as I grew older I was able to see my "dad" in a less cloudy light.  I was able to accept his abuse and know that it wasn't WHO he is but a choice he makes.  I can love him dearly without loving his choice.  I can know that he is gentle and has the best of intentions and if being a father was based only on good intentions he would have been the best of them.  I do love my dad, but I despise his addiction and it has forever put a wedge between him and me.  ANYWAY, this isn't about him and me.

This is about people I see everyday abusing pain meds and anything else they can get their hands on, and WASTING their life.  I want to shake them, truly shake them and say YOU HAVE ONE OF THESE. ONE BODY.  ONE LIFE, and you are going to BLINK and it will be gone. Some of these people are homeless, they have no one because their entire life revolves around being terrible to people and getting their next fix.  They parade around a hospital as if it is the hilton, treating nurses as if they are their slaves and their next fix should be a top priority.  WHY? WHY do you feel entitled? Why do you feel because you have destroyed your life that I should help you numb the pain of the reality YOU have created! WHY! WHY! WHY!

I truly, with every fiber of my being, believe that drug abuse is a choice.  Unless you are born paying for your mothers choices and born with a drug addiction, it is your choice.  Just the same as you choose to get up and get dressed, or choose to drive a car or walk, or choose to put on the red shirt or the blue, picking up a drug is a CHOICE. The moment you make that choice you are putting YOU first.  You are putting you above your children, above your mother, above your sister/brother and spouse.  At that point you are no long any of those titles because you are going to compromise your own system so if anyone who the other half of those titles needed you, you wouldn't be able to be there.  You wouldn't be able to listen if someone called you crying, you wouldn't be able to drive to the ER if someone fell, you wouldn't be able to do any of those things without putting someone else in danger.  In those moments, it is all about YOU. 

There is no poor pitty you for that choice.  If someone is 500 pounds, everyone is quick to ridicule their diet choices, their activity choices, their hygiene choices, all of it.  Everyone judges and discusses all the things they could have been doing differently to avoid the size they are now.  Everyone has something to say about the 500 lb person with no genetic disorder  to justify why is it that the heroine addict is excusable? Why is it that they can say life is hard and they need an escape and it's okay? Why does our health care cater to this and continue to give them drugs beyond their needs because it's easier than listening to them complain or heaven forbid MAKE THEM LEAVE.

THIS is what REALLY gets me though! I have a grandfather who slaved his life away doing real work, he was a father and a grandfather, a brother, a husband and a friend and lived a GOOD life. He got colon cancer, faced terrible pain and lost his life. I had a grandfather face kidney transplants and agony and lost his life. My cousin was 25 and full of life. Goofy and funny and a prankster.  He enjoyed everything about his life and was getting exactly what he wanted.  Someone fell asleep and hit him, he's gone. Just gone. I had a dear friend, who loved life and valued it.  She dedicated her life to exactly that, her life and making the very best of it.  She smiled ALL day everyday, she laughed and it was contagious she made others around her laugh. She was perfectly healthy, she was 20 years old. She gets in a car accident, and is gone, forever. Never to return to live that life she ever so cherished and yet people are too busy shooting up and hating the world that they are as good as gone themselves.

Don't get me wrong, I don't think all pain is made up and I certainly do believe mental instability exists, in fact, I am incredibly interested in cases which are real and I love sitting down with patients who have true bipolar, anxiety, personality disorders, and other forms of depression because I love that moment when something "gets through" and I know I made a difference even if it's only brief.  I know people have issues and I know I have been so incredibly blessed to not have an addictive personality and have had the strength to stir away from situations which may lead to me questioning myself and who I am.  I know someday something could break inside of me and I could eat my words and my judgement and all things that are terrible about what I am saying.  I know all of this and I can only pray for continued strength and a new sense of humbleness.  I try to be level headed and remind myself I've never been there and I shouldn't judge but it's infuriating.  It's infuriating that in 3 days it will be a year since Tarrista left this world to no fault of her own, and these people are just wasting away here on earth.  I don't question God, his plan is far bigger than mine will ever be, but I will certainly never understand.

I am no saint, I like my wine and I drink occassionaly.  I don't always eat the way I should and I complain when I have a headache knowing there are many others in far worse condition.  I don't appreciate what I have the way I should, and I don't thank God as many times a day as I should, but I do know I have one body and one life. I know that when I start to feel the extra weight I'm carrying as it becomes harder to run, it's time to do something about it.  I know that when my skin starts to tear, it's important to bandage it.  I know that if I cut my hair off, it may not grow out the same because our bodies are forever changing and aging and what is today will not be tomorrow.  This is my one body, one.  This is my one chance, there is no do over in life.  I don't know how people can want to waste that when so many others would do anything to get another shot. Ah, I just don't know.

Thanks for sticking with me through that one, theres a good chance that if I didn't get it out, I would truly implode.


Thursday, April 12, 2012

Its been a bit!

Hey y'all!!

It has been a busy couple days/week! I honestly can't remember where I left off, but I do know that I did a serious blog based around the 3 National Guard soldiers who died and for some reason it posted EMPTY! So to just quickly touch base on that...

I was at work when I read the article about the 3 Ohio National Guard soldiers who were killed last week. I kept staring at the screen feeling a ball in my stomach and a knot in my throat.  I'm not sure if I've mentioned it but PJ's national guard unit deployed in October, just before the wedding.  He didn't go on this one and is set to get out of the guard in June. So when I was reading that article I automatically go back to that girl who was waiting to hear about her boyfriend, and worried constantly.  It felt especially close to home after seeing the deaths were members of the 37th Infantry Brigade.  PJ, had he deployed, would have been attached to the same brigade.  His unit is there now, attached to that brigade.  I just closed my eyes and thanks God that he was safe, and then had a serious heart wrenching discomfort knowing the families of those 3 men were being notified.  It hit close to home and for some reason every day since then, I can't shake it form my mind.  My heart truly goes out to the family members of all those lost, but when I see Ohio it really clicks at how close this war really can be.  At a time when I am involved in more soldier's/airman's lives than ever, I feel the military is an everyday conversation of some sort, and I am so blessed to be able to say they have all been kept safe and healthy and in my life.  My best friend is in Afghanistan right now and our house guest last week is scheduled to go in August.  It's an everyday war that often goes ignored, or under appreciated.  So many sacrifices are being made so that so many others, as well as myself, aren't forced to change our lifestyles.  Thank you, to those who are reading.  From the bottom of my heart, Thank you.

On a lighter note, Easter came and went without me hardly getting to celebrate.  I worked the day before and the day of so I missed my family's festivities.  I did get my sister in law an Easter basket, partially because she is a 12 year old trapped in a 21 year old's body, and partially because I am the best sister ever! Just saying :)

I started my mission to get 2008 me back! So far, so good! I've done a zumba class, tried spinning today (hated it and not because it's hard, just a general disinterest!), and have been going to the gym regularly. I told PJ I know I need to change the way I eat (because I eat about the same as my 1 year old niece) so we went to Costco and stocked up on white meats and veggies.  I was super pumped because we got some great deals on pork chops! I'm all about saving $$ and when eating healthy that seems REALLY hard to do!  After reading a very fit friend's blog she recommending this book, so I bought it on amazon for $7.98 (SCORE!) and so far am really liking it! It has good recipes and actually explains WHY it is important to eat certain ways. I'm not saying I'm making a forever life change, but I am trying to be more aware of what I'm putting into my body.  I also got PJ to grill some FISH which is truly my worst enemy.  I ate the grill salmon, the flounder was NOT happening, but salmon is progress for a good 'ol fish and veggie hater like myself.  We grilled asparagus which wasn't such a hit with me either, but I think I could tolerate it.  I have to start making changes and it's going to start with trying things that I normally would dismiss.  I am determined and that will get me results! :) I am back to work tomorrow and Saturday so that will be the ultimate test, working a 12 hour shift, I'm lucky if I get my 1/2 hour lunch so we'll see how I can do with eating and resisting my FAVORITE thing in the vending machine a PAYDAY (yumm) One good thing already, I have an ADDICTION to almonds, YUM! I'm going to have to limit myself to them!

I attempted mason jar cakes this past weekend! PJ said they turned out yummy but I made a huge "uh-oh" in the process by over filling the jars. I should have taken pictures of the process because it was a HOT MESS! Luckily they turned out good, I made Strawberry and German Chocolate! I shipped them out yesterday to Tanner in California along with some icing of course, so we'll see how good they are after he gets them.  I'll let you know if they help up through shipping!

Aside from all of this, I've spent the week catching up with friends and having a lot of "me" time! It's so nice sometimes just to run outside with nothing but music and my thoughts, or spend a few hours just lounging and working through things.  I went to zumba and the spinning class with a friend I haven't talked to since a few days after the wedding.  There were reasons behind it but nonetheless it has been nice to reunite with her.  There is something to be said about when time passes and you still miss someone being in your life. At first, it seems so easy to just stay angry and remind yourself why there is distance but after awhile, when you have to put effort into staying mad or constantly remind yourself why it happened in the first place, it seems its time to forgive. She was a huge part of my life and I'm not sure where we will end up, but I am glad she's back in my life. I'm also glad because we have always kept each other motivated with working it's good timing. We shall see.  Spring is in the air, it's hard to stay mad at anyone when it's so beautiful out!

That's all I've got. Thanks for reading!!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Bring 2008 me back, please.

Chunky, fluffy, chubby, whatever you want to call it, it's KILLING ME. Last year for the wedding I lost 35 pounds between January and October.  I'm going to be honest here, last night I weighed myself and had the harsh reality that I have gained back 22 of them! OUCH!! To say I am disappointed is beyond an understatement. My weight has gone up and down my entire life, but there is a point where I get that I'm uncomfortable and I'm getting close to it again. I got an IUD removed in December and the weight gain really kicked in after that so after doing some research I'm realizing I'm really going to have to overcompinstate for that obsticle. Being prepared is going to be #1.

Food? Yes. I love it. All of it.  The sweet stuff, the salty stuff, the carmel and candy, the cakes and cookies, I LOVE IT ALL.  If only it loved me back with the same passion.  Vegtebales are not my friends, fish is possibly the most repulsive thing on any menu, and fruits, well, I like them but lets be real, I don't go out of my way to fit them into my day.  If there is a basket of fruit or a soft serve machine in the cafeteria (which I face everyday at work), it will take serious will power to not go for the soft serve.  This isn't going to be easy, but it's a lifestyle change that I have to dedicate myself to.  ANY tips are SO welcomed! I know I can't go crazy with it or it will become a diet fling and it will get me no where, so I'm starting with small changes with my food and lifestyle and I'm praying for the strength to make a change. 

Activity? Not so much.  Although I have an active job, my only other form of cardio is walking the asiles of stores and cleaning my house (which can be quite the sweaty productive work out sometimes).  I don't really believe in running unless I am being chased (problem #1, I know) and treadmills bore the crap out of me.  I'm doomed when it comes to cardio.  I have to find something I can really get into.  Weights, however, I do like.  Body modification work outs (if that is such a title) keep me amused and challenge me so I'm going to start there tonight.  I'm going to work towards the goal of enjoying cardio once this tendonitis (diagnosed by Web MD after 3 months of constant pulling/aching) in my ankle heals up.

So here we are: 

Current weight: 152 (yep, I'm putting it out there) I'm not even uploading a picture of the current weight because I don't even have any other than recent ones from the Texas blog. I reach points where I only do facial shots, and even then I can tell a big difference.

Goal weight: 125. This photo was taken in 2008, I was about that then.  In 2011 I was 130, so I know this is doable.

I'm not giving myself a timeframe because I don't want to disappoint and get discouraged. I know I can do this, I've done it before.  Its a matter of doing it and staying there.  Here we go... lets see how this works out. Any tips? Send them my way.

Thanks for reading :) I'm off to hopefully kick butt at some push ups!!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Catching up!

Happy Wednesday!

How is everyone? I wish it was my "hump day" but it is, in fact, the beginning of my week! Sometimes working a hospital's 3 12 hour days a week schedule is awesome, other times it stinks when those 2 weeks of 3 days each run together. I'll be working way too much here soon, but it's okay, I'm very blessed to have not one, but 2 jobs! This past Monday I got to work at my favorite vet, Monroe Family Pet Hospital, for the first time since around the holidays. It was SO nice to be back. I love PRN work because it's just enough to go in and have fun without all the stress of it being full time.  The staff there is THE BEST and I am so thankful that they keep me on there. There was the most adorable yorkie there, it's always been one of my dream dogs.  Sadly, I come home to much yappy crazies and realize, I'm not ready for another dog, even if they are just so cute at work!

PJ's friend, James, was in town last weekend. It was nice having him here, listening to stories of PJ's basic training days that no one else knows. He was beyond a nice guy and really great to get to know. (he is also super cute and SINGLE ladies!) PJ took him out quad riding, they drank wayyyy too much beer and found random things to get into and we went to the new Toby Keith's I Love This Bar & Grill last night.  It was a pretty nice place.  We played "real or fake" with the waitresses but we left before James was forced to settle the split vote. No girl actually wants to be ASKED that!  Anyone else wonder if girls are real or fake when they go to those restaurants where ALL the girls are hanging out? Maybe it's just me, lol. We even forced him to eat things like candy and butter (apparently some people actually have the will power to stay away from those types of things??) We took him to Skyline, but only after asking my facebook friends which we should take him to, either Skyline or Goldstar.  At first, Skyline was totally winning, but the Gold Star fans picked up towards the end.  I've added a poll this week to see which YOU think is best. Just because I was surprised Skyline didn't KILL it in votes! He headed home today and he's missed already.  He deploys in August so I'm hoping we'll either road trip to South Carolina or he'll make it up here again sometime soon.  Such a southern gentleman. 

Here's a few pics from their last day hanging out.

Not a whole lot going on around here, just getting ready to catch up on some GRIM with the hubby. Great show but man, it really creeps me out sometimes!

A few people have asked me how to "follow" the blog, on the right hand side there is a "join this site" button, click it.  Or you can follow by email at the top.  Seeing as though I don't think my 2 followers have looked at the side 50 times each, I'm guessing there is some other people who are reading :)

Have a good week, hopefully there is not much left of it!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

New sheets and old friends

Happy Sunday, to you! I hope yours has been slightly, if not drastically, more productive than mine was!

 This week was chaos, coming back from Texas to working 3 12 hour days at the hospital was intense! I did manage to sneak in some lots of time to shop! Again, not as productive as I would have liked to be, but I did get all new sheets/bedding for our spare bed and our bed! I got new sheets from the JLO line at Kohls when I climbed in to bed, I instantly felt like I was at grandma's. I'm not sure why her amazingly soft sheets and comfy pillows always have such a strong memory for me, but they do! Great investment. The rooms look much better! We will be changing rooms later in the month and I can't wait to decorate and get things feeling fresh and new.  I also went on a mission to find a new kitchen table with NO luck at all. First of all, kitchen tables cost WAY too much, like a ridiculously stupid price for something to hold food. Second, I'm super picky. If I am going to pay said price, I want to LOVE it. I haven't had much luck with that. I know I'll find something soon!

I also went to spend some time with my family on Saturday. I love going down there, I hadn't seen my dad in awhile because we kept missing each other on visits so it was so nice to see him.  Something about my life feels more complete when he's home, even if I don't get to go see him.  I also got to visit Cassie, Mom, Grandma, Erica, Molli, Markus and McKinlee.  Markus has decided he'll come live with me ONLY if my toilet water is orange! TOO funny. He is hilarious and has never wanted to leave his mom, so that was huge progress.  McKinlee is learning sounds of different things, I hope you enjoy this video as much as I do. I've watched it about 100 times since taking it. She is soooo stinking cute!!!

PJ has a friend, James, in town for a few days. He met him in basic training in 2006 and kept in touch for several years. Somewhere in the midst they lost contact. James found him through facebook and they got back in touch about a month he came to visit from South Carolina this Saturday and is staying through Wednesday! It's nice to meet someone who knew him during basic/tech school because no one else has that insight on him. It's a neat thing though, friendships like that.  It makes me reflect on my own.

I'm always super sappy when it comes to my best girl friends Rachel and Candice.  Rachel has been keeping me in line since we were 10 years old.  We used to spend more time together than with our own families and were always getting caught passing notes or talking too much in classes.  I am lucky enough to live closer to her work than her own house, so thankfully she has frequent sleepovers and I tell ya, they are just as interesting at now as they were 15 years ago. Candice I met my sophomore year when I was brand new to Franklin County High School and she was almost as miserable as I was to be there. Just kidding.  But she did friend me and never left my side after.  After school she went through the Air Force academy and then was moved to a base in Florida. She's currently in Afghanistan and although I rarely get to see her, I know she is always a text/email away and friendship like that is so rare these days. It really is tested and true :) Lucky girl, I am. Just for fun, here are two flash backs from my dear friends back in the day :)

I feel like I have an everlasting connection to my great friends from Okeana, and anyone with the last name HUFF.  A family that never treated me as anything less than one of their own (sometimes better than they treated each other) and truly welcomed me as a forever member of their family.  I adore every last one of them, and with April 18th coming up so quickly I am constantly reflecting on the beautiful life that was Tarrista Huff.  Being a part of her world, even if it was cut entirely too short, was such a blessing for me.  I know it's very cliche' to say "there isn't a day that goes by without me thinking of..." but there truly isn't.  Everyday I am struck by something that triggers her amazing memory.  Something I wish I had told her, something I knew she'd find funny, something that would trigger that UNDENIABLY stunning smile.  I hope she is able to feel the love everyone has down here for her, still.  I hope she is able to know that although we are all left empty, there is comfort in knowing there is so much of this world she doesn't have to suffer through anymore.  I hope she is able to know that her legacy lives in her brothers and that she will forever be a part of all of us.  It's been a hard year, but I am so proud of Ann, Trenton, Travis, and Tristan for pushing on and making a million memories she would be proud of.  I learn more about strength and devotion every time I get a chance to catch up with one of them.  Amazing family, I tell ya.

I'm not sure when this blog took such a serious tone, but that is life I suppose, those things creep up on  ya!

Well AMC's are on, and Army Wives is coming up next, I could do an entire blog serious on Army Wives!! That wraps this one up, thanks for reading! Remember to click "follow" on the right hand side of the blog so you can comment and get the latest of my little work in progress!! :)